• Sit by and watch


    Publisher:OriginalSong Gallery


  • Figuation Essence: Five Chinese Contemporary Oil Painting Artists Exhibition


    Publisher:OriginalSong Gallery

    The five figurative oil painters are representative in the North or the South, here collected are their recent masterpicecs, Duan Zhenqu’s intense, Yang Canjun’s unrestrained, Xin Dongwang’s foreful, Yin Xiong’s gloomy and Cui Xiaoong’s vigorous, although different styles, but their common feature is to inject the “contemporaty” to the figurative painting from their own artistic departure, trying to re-bring the realistic art in the dialogue with contemporary art world.

  • Quiet Big Boy: Han Juliang Oil Paintings Ⅱ


    Publisher:OriginalSong Gallery

    This is the new works,masterpieces created by Han Juliang in three years since 2008 solo exhibition.(Han Juliang Oil Paintings I collected a set of works about locomotive for many years).In his new explorations in the last three years, the structual drawing of locomotive series more experimental, unique ,and combines some elements such as art, technology,design ,and calculation, to reflect a more abstract,rational beauty through refining the graphics, lines, structure, texture, which is the artist manifested in this book that “I’m always looking for a beauty of machinery, a beauty of technology ”.

  • Fine fish in the South—He Xi ink Painting Exhibition


    Publisher:OriginalSong Gallery

    THis collection about exhibited works by He Xi, includes his important works created in recent years, can be seen a summart of his artistic practice in this period.What he thinking is how does he break away from traditional aesthetics of ink painting and gives it a new time meaning,so he choices the road of conceptualization, misplaces context or separates space of the “fish” to project a implied meaning,but he dose not purely and simply start from a idea to organize the picture,but transforms a idea into a taste and interest,which is reflecting in a very concrete and moving picture.

  • what does not resemble resembles all the more 2010 Peng Xiaojia


    Publisher:OriginalSong Gallery

    Here are three versions about the “cavitary worms”,latest works created by Peng Xiaojia: stainless steel sculpture,wood carving,print.Simple abstract shape,with occupies a special place in his work ayatem. Peng Xiaojia good at digging feeling ability of things “inside” with a unique perspective,and to try study objects,transfroming it into many extraordinary styles and images in works.

  • Three-dimensional Transformation: Ink Painting Exhibition by Huang Ah-zhong,He Xi,Shi Chan


    Publisher:OriginalSong Gallery

    These three artists,well-known ink paiter from shanghai,are continuing to think about the important issue how ink painting creation can reaches contemporary aesthetic spirit, here shown are the latest achievements in their thinking.

  • Calmness is Power: Masters Still Life Oil Painting Exhibition


    Publisher:OriginalSong Gallery

    Here are still life paintings created by nine artists (Zhang zishen, Huang Azhong,Xiao Gu , Xu Weixin, Xin Dongwang, Han Juliang, Yin Xiong, Qi Xin), in difference style, some describe intuitively, some drawls delcately, some express freely, some conceptual, some allegorical, reflects the face, taste and direction about contemporary still life paintings creation.

  • Peng Xiaojia Sculpture Works Ⅱ


    Publisher:OriginalSong Gallery

    The returning of the “Book Series” is also at the ontology of sculpture. It is the elements of planarity such as rillievo, etc. Adopted, instead of the elements of onto-characters of sculpture such as sense of volume, a sense of space etc, so that the works presented a pictoriality. It is worthy to pay attention that the returning to dilution. Search for new forms is contemporary fashion, when peoples desiring the new forms constantly, Peng Xiaojia’s main demand in returning to dilution is new meaning: that implications.

  • QI Xin Special cellections


    Publisher:OriginalSong Gallery

    Those of works made by Qi Xin named as “image embezziement” are reconstruction and expression to the classical fashions and signs of culture that he reading. Whether it is a handwritings by masters,or traditional residential areas, both as a main art object that the painter refered. These works present a unique illision through a special material form and the displacement of the figures and colors of classical pictures, and then represent through a delicated manner of realism that the installative combination which is a variant to the conventional images of oil paintings.

  • Innocent Story—Three of the World’s Fairey Tales


    Publisher:OriginalSong Gallery

    There are three artists in this collection such as Li Ting, Eva Zhou and Saduki, each of whom has different understanding about child’s taste, which is expressed on works may be in different style, but, undoubtedly, there is common among their essential pursuit that is to maintain a childlike heart and to view our world purely, which is the soul of art.

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